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Will Boxing Help Me Lose Weight?

burn fat, boxing, weight loss

Do you want to know how and why boxing is the best way to lose weight while being able to improve yourself physically, mentally and having fun, all at the same time?

Today, I’ll tell you why boxing is the perfect tool, if you want to lose weight. I’ll also tell you which diet, you should do, to complement your fat-loss journey!

5 Reasons why boxing will help you lose weight:

Number 1: Cardiovascular Calorie Crusher

Boxing is a relentless cardio workout that leaves no room for complacency. Whether you’re throwing punches, ducking, or weaving, your heart rate soars, torching calories with every move.

A typical boxing session can burn anywhere from 500 to 800 calories per hour, making it one of the most efficient ways to burn calories, which ultimately means, that you’re losing weight!

Number 2: Full-Body Engagement

Boxing is a full-body sport that engages nearly every muscle group in your entire body. From your legs, core, and back to your arms and shoulders, every punch and defensive maneuver requires effort. Read about boxing’s muscle-building benefits.

This means you’re not only burning calories during your workout, you’re also building lean muscle, which boosts your metabolism and helps you burn even more calories! Can you see the way this is going?!

Your boxing journey is your first step towards an upward spiral, which will result in a healthier, more athletic, and possibly happier lifestyle.

Number 3: Intense Interval Training

Boxing is synonymous with high-intensity interval training (HIIT). You alternate between bursts of maximum effort and short rest periods, elevating your heart rate and maximizing calorie burn. HIIT has been proven to be super effective when it comes to weight loss, as it continues to burn calories even after you’ve left the gym.


Do 10 rounds of 60 seconds. Do this with shadowboxing, heavy bag, rope skipping, sparring, or any other activity. Go for 45 seconds rest between rounds.

Number 4: Stress Buster

Stress and emotional eating can sabotage weight loss goals. Boxing provides an outlet for stress, releasing endorphins that improve mood and reduce the urge to comfort eat. It’s not just a physical workout. It’s a mental escape that empowers you to conquer your day.

Number 5: Improved Metabolism and Energy Levels

Regular boxing workouts rev up your metabolism, helping you burn calories more efficiently. This metabolic boost persists long after your session ends, ensuring you continue to burn fat throughout the day. Additionally, the increased energy and stamina gained from boxing make you more likely to engage in other physical activities, further promoting weight loss.

Nutrition: The Fuel for Success

While boxing is a good weight loss tool, nutrition plays an even more vital role in achieving your goals. A balanced diet should consist of:

40% Protein
35% Carbs
25% Fats

Here are some examples of foods, that you should include in your diet:

Protein Sources

  • Chicken Breast: Lean and high in protein, it’s a staple for weight loss.
  • Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, it promotes satiety.
  • Greek Yogurt: High in protein and probiotics, it aids digestion.
  • Tofu: A plant-based protein source that’s low in calories.
  • Eggs: Packed with protein and essential nutrients.
  • Lean Beef: Provides iron and protein while keeping saturated fat in check.
  • Quinoa: A complete protein source with added fiber.
  • Lentils: High in protein and fiber for sustained fullness.
  • Cottage Cheese: Low-fat option with a protein punch.
  • Beans: Whether black, kidney, or pinto, they’re protein-packed and full of fiber.

Carbohydrate Sources

  • Oatmeal: High in fiber and slow-digesting carbs for lasting energy.
  • Brown Rice: A whole grain option with complex carbohydrates.
  • Sweet Potatoes: Nutrient-rich and a good source of complex carbs.
  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, and beans provide carbs and fiber.
  • Quinoa: A versatile grain with carbs and protein.
  • Whole-Grain Bread: Opt for whole grains over refined options.
  • Berries: Low-calorie, high-fiber fruits for a sweet fix.
  • Non-Starchy Vegetables: Leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower are low in calories and carbs.
  • Pumpkin: Low in calories and carbs, with added vitamins.
  • Popcorn: A whole-grain snack when prepared without excessive butter or oil.

Healthy Fat Sources:

  • Avocado: Packed with monounsaturated fats and fiber.
  • Olive Oil: A heart-healthy fat for cooking and salads.
  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios offer healthy fats and protein.
  • Chia Seeds: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and trout are sources of healthy fats.
  • Flaxseeds: High in omega-3s and fiber.
  • Coconut Oil: A versatile source of healthy fats for cooking.
  • Nut Butter: Choose natural varieties without added sugars.
  • Dark Chocolate: In moderation, it provides antioxidants and healthy fats.
  • Seeds: Sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds are nutrient-dense and offer healthy fats.

Avoiding excessive sugar and processed foods is equally important. Think of your diet as the fuel that powers your boxing journey.

What Are You Waiting For?

The question now echoes louder than ever: “What are you waiting for?

Boxing offers a dynamic, engaging, and effective path to weight loss.

So, lace up those gloves, step into the ring (or gym), and let boxing be your knockout solution to achieving your weight loss goals.

Summary: The Ultimate Weight Loss Sport

Yes, Boxing does help you lose weight. With its cardiovascular intensity, full-body engagement, and stress-relieving benefits, boxing is a calorie-crushing, muscle-building fitness journey.

Pair it with a balanced diet, and you have a winning formula to shed those unwanted pounds.

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